Für diejenigen von uns, die den Spießrutenlauf laufen. Der Versuch der denkbar unmöglichen, aber unerbittlich lohnenden Arbeit einer Fernbeziehung .
Es ist beruhigend, von anderen zu lesen, die die Lifestyle-Wahl ebenfalls ausprobiert und geliebt haben. Für mich war es schwierig, Wege zu finden, dem Mädchen, das ich für mein ‚Muschel-Wubby‘ halte, meine Zuneigung zu zeigen.
Es gibt eine frustrierende Menge Wasser zwischen uns. Es distanziert uns und zwingt das Herz zum Verlieben, aber alles andere sehr einsam. Ich muss Grafomap großen Dank aussprechen . Eine ausgezeichnete, wohnliche und einzigartige Lösung, die sich uns aus dem Internet offenbart hat.
Wenn jemand, den wir lieben, unbedingt weit weg bleiben muss, kann das zunächst ignoriert werden. Die Zeit wird leicht mit Arbeit oder Schule verbracht, um unseren Geist zu beschäftigen. Aber mit der Zeit wird ihre Abwesenheit im täglichen Leben nur noch ausgeprägter. Das Loch macht sich bekannt.
Plötzlich muss der Trost nach einem Arbeitstag mit Texten statt Umarmungen gestillt werden und fruchtbare Gespräche laufen nur noch über Skype.
Diese sind nett, aber sie werden eine starke Erinnerung daran, was wir vermissen . Der Klang ihrer Stimme ist über einen Telefonlautsprecher nicht gleich und ihre Ausdrücke werden nicht schriftlich angezeigt. Unser Bedürfnis, jemanden zu lieben, bleibt ein Juckreiz.
A great solution is a flower delivery service. Or endless love letters with written kisses xx. I mailed a giant teddy bear to my partner and said it was good for cuddles. Really though, I mailed it to show I still exist.
Fighting the constant fear of losing connection. Long-distance relationships are some of the hardest things you can try. But they’re rewards only make us work harder.
There aren’t, unfortunately, many gifts on the market geared for distance couples. Only adding to the difficulty of maintaining such a relationship.
Before the advent of the printing press, mapmakers were a rare breed. Talented individuals traveled thousands of miles and studied hundreds of previous works for their craft.
It took years to make an accurate and artistic representation of the land, combining the skills of an academic, artist, stoic, and explorer to make one precious copy of a map. This, however, can now be done easy as pie with Grafomap.
What is Grafomap
Grafomap is a custom poster generator and delivery service.
I first found them when I was researching artsy gift ideas for that aforementioned 鈥榟ubby‘. The service grants the unique ability to poster a mapped location of anywhere in the world with a multitude of selections. Which was in honesty, perfect for a hipster like me.
I had to order two for Christmas. They arrived together five days after it was placed and I found they were exactly as advertised.
At this stage in my own relationship, this was a tremendously useful thing to find as most gift ideas (giant teddies and all) were used up. I immediately mapped out my locations in the style I liked and had the site do the rest. It was practically magic.
Banners and band posters can come off as unintentionally tacky if not placed carefully. However, maps are unique in the sense they can be placed anywhere and look stunning. It gives a room or office a nuanced and sophisticated impression.
This is, in addition to being a practical tool for study on your way out. She hasn’t received it yet, but my girlfriend is going to love it.
What’s Included
Something particularly cool is the vast customization options given by Grafomap.
The maps themselves can be printed onto a canvas, etched into metal, put into a natural wood frame, or slapped on a t-shirt. I chose the canvas myself but adore the idea of my hometown on my chest.锟組odern consumerism has made a lot of the gifts we buy undistinguished. It’s no longer the same as hand making a gift to our loved ones.
To personalize the map, there is an option to edit and apply multiple labels to the map. This adds an intimate touch to the gift that is rarely seen in most products. It is something I really enjoy.
There are eleven map styles available. From the tamely minimalist to the pink and flamboyant Wanderlust.
Personally, I’d recommend the Classic style for its detailed mapped literacy. Or the Blue style to feel like your hanging blueprints for a community project in your home. Each of these styles have different features and further customization options.
How it works
Customization within customization sounds crazy, but they managed it. I was able to choose a preferred mapping palet and then apply the names of all my familiar places.
They even allow the use of select icons placed on the map, such as a home icon. This is how the service works to allow supreme usability for its customers to create a custom map.
The whole process simply involves customizing the map to our preferences, Grafomap creating the map itself, and then its shipment to the desired location. There aren’t many products that display its own delivery location.
Many of the styles also include extra info such as the location’s latitude and longitude. Even more impressive are the styles that mesh standard road maps with topography. Beautifully showing iconic hills and glacier valleys in areas they’re renowned for like in Scotland.
This is exactly how presents for distance couples should be done. A reminder of where your partner comes from and that they’re safe in a real place. Done in style at that.
There’s a good reason this company has exploded in the last 3 years. It’s a way to bring us closer to where we want to be. Extra important when we miss someone we love.
The biggest disadvantage to Grafomap must be its pricing. While it isn’t going to empty the bank, it can cost from as low as USD$39.00 for the t-shirt to USD$119.00 for a map etched in metal.
This is discluding the needed delivery fee. It was an investment I found worth making. But I’ll leave that for you to decide for yourself while you check out they’re wicked selection.
I haven’t experienced these, but there appear to only be two other real grievances others have had.
Some users have made complaints of the software not opening or working properly on their devices. This doesn’t appear to be too big an issue though. It’s solved by updating the internet browser or using another device. Not exactly a difficult fix.
The other issue is the occasionally damaged map arriving in the mail. But this is likely due to the nature of our postal services ; stuff gets dropped sometimes.
As far as delivery and customer support is concerned, it’s done wonderfully. The company actually has a five working day delivery guarantee. So you can place an order pretty last minute. This in addition to the free returns policy gives me instant trust with the service.
Most online products try to not advertise any return options because of the poor quality of their products. It’s nice to see someone confident in what they’re selling; and honest enough to take back what doesn’t suffice!
They’ve also done the best things a virtual company can do for customer service. You can contact a live customer support agent directly via their facebook page.
This option may also be found on the Grafomap site under 鈥榤essage us‘. While I didn’t have a need regarding my order, I went ahead and sent them a message to see how they’d respond.
They actually got back to me within a few hours asking me for further details on my issue and how they could help. Really, I don’t think someone could ask for much more.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vG62rOKq9Y
The verdict
This stuff is awesome y’all. If you’re looking for a meaningful piece of art as a gift or for yourself, a Grafomap map will tie a room together like boy scouts tie knots. It’ll give you a bit of the outside at home or home far away.
More importantly, it can be a reminder of someone else when they’re far away. I’m excited this Christmas to send my partner her copy of our duel present. It’s exactly our type of thing and I hope it can be for you too.
These are the types of things we should let one another know about to make everyone’s lives a little cooler.
In the future, you can definitely expect Grafomap to only grow in popularity. Its no wonder they have 4.5 stars on Trustpilot.
Egal, ob Sie nach einem nuancierten Geschenk, einem Gesprächsstoff oder einer Möglichkeit suchen , jemandem im Herzen zu bleiben. Es ist etwas, das jedem empfohlen werden kann und in jeder Umgebung funktioniert. Könnte sogar meine Katze bekommen.
Vor allem ist es genau die Art von Geschenk, die eine Beziehung nutzen und sich merken kann . Sie können erwarten, dass Fernpaare ihre für lange Zeit behalten, um auf das Überwundene zurückzublicken.
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